Photography II | Spring 2023
This course is an Ivy Tech course that showcases photography II pieces.
The goal of this project was to create an image that explores the concepts and ideas of a sense of place that employs the use of the black and white zone system. My subject matter will be focusing on a rural landscape.
The goal of this project was to produce two black and white landscape panoramics that show the use of multiple images. It needed to demonstrate a creative approach to the assignment; expand on the basic requirements; address a fairly complex visual or conceptual idea; and effectively communicate with the viewer.
Night Photography
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my mastery of night photography and operating the correct controls, while still finding a creative perspective.
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my mastery of the ability to make decisions about depth of field and shutter speeds; refine ability to compose pictures effectively; and advanced tonal controls, image adjustments, as well as various digital workflow processes to produce high-quality prints.