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Sense Of Place | Photo II

For this project, I had to create an image that explores the concepts and ideas of a sense of place that employs the use of the black and white zone system. My subject matter will be focusing on a rural landscape.

Zone System


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the following:
1. Apply the zone system to black and white photography.

2. Effectively execute assignments starting with pre-visualization and ending with a properly exposed negative and print.

3. Demonstrate the ability to use filters with the camera and with the software.

4. Demonstrate the ability to make decisions about depth of field and shutter speeds.

5. Demonstrate and refine the ability to compose pictures effectively.

6. Demonstrate advanced tonal controls, image adjustments, as well as various digital workflow processes to produce high-quality digital color/black and white prints.

7. Demonstrate the critical and aesthetic skills necessary to effectively assess photographic images.

The goal of this project was to create an image that explores the concepts and ideas of a sense of place that employs the use of the black and white zone system. My subject matter will be focusing on a rural landscape. My Final image will be in black and white.


You have two landscape options that you can choose from and explore. 

Rural / Country Landscape: no evidence of a city or town shown in the imagery. Farm/Country houses/barns etc are ok.
Urban Landscape: Buildings, cityscapes. Must show man-made infostructures.


• Stay away from focusing too much on street scenes with people in them. Can you have people in the photograph? Yes! However, the photograph should be about the space around them and not about who is occupying the space.

• Your images should portray a sense of place. What is special about the background environment? What is the environment’s importance? 

• The zone system must be evident in your imagery. No high contrast or low contrast images. The entire range of black and white tones must be represented in your photographs. Underneath your images, you will have the zone system guide that you made in class underneath the photograph.

• Using the info palette and line shape tool you will map out where each of the tones are in your image.

• Do not use automatic settings. Digital cameras record the camera settings in the file metadata, so if you use auto exposure, the camera will reveal it.

• Point reductions for out of focus images, improperly exposed images, not shooting in RAW, and not shooting in Manual mode.

• Use your Imagination, be Creative, and think about your lighting and skies.

The Goal

The goal of this project was to create an image that explores the concepts and ideas of a sense of place that employs the use of the black and white zone system. My subject matter will be focusing on a rural landscape. My Final image will be in black and white.

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